Are you planning to digitize your old slides? Are you going to dispose your slides afterwards or do you want to keep them? If you don’t want to dispose them, do you put them on your attic again? Have you heard about “Upcycling”?

Upcycling means that trash or actually useless materials are going to be converted into new products, that is to say you revalue the material.

In 1994 the idea of Upcycling was mentioned the first time but it became more and more popular in the last two or three years. Famous examples are messenger bags or pockets made out of recycled truck canvas or frisbees made out of recycled PET-bottles. In addition more and more big companies produce their products from recycled materials.

The employees of ScanCorner digitize hundreds of slides every day. During that process we are asking ourselves what you are going to do afterwards with them. In this blog post we would like to present you one idea on what you can do with your slides afterwards.

On Pinterest or on the following page you will find examples on how to convert your old slides into an old lamp or a curtain.


© Ann-Sophie

What do you need for this? Patience, instant adhesive, modelling material, a candle/ light bulb and your old slides.

We think that upcycling is another possibility to unveil your old memories in a different way than digitization. Everyone is looking at these small images when they are illuminated. With your construction style, you decide the durability of your lamp. The lamp on the mentioned website will be something for the damp and dark months in autumn or winter but you can make your memories last a lifetime too.

Please put the modelling material in a circle on your window-still and stick the first slides into it. Glue the slides with an instant adhesive or glue together. The next steps are a little trickier because you have to fix the following slides above the existing slides. You repeat this steps until you reach the expected height.

Enjoy your upcycled lamp – your ScanCorner-Team