


The Best Way to Digitize Old Photos

If you’re looking at this article, chances are that you have loads of pictures, photo albums, and scrapbooks at home filled with sweet memories from the past that have special meaning to you, your friends, and your [...]

The first digital camera

Photography as we known it today was not the same a few decades ago: 1973 was a year without iPhones, Snapchat and Instagram and one man was about to change that: Steven Sasson. He was [...]

A mysterious find

During the early 90's, the now 67 year old William Nelson discovered an old photo album in the midst of an household clearance in the state of Minnesota. He realized quickly that he stumbled upon [...]

Digitization preserved essential documents of the past

Today we want to take a look at another example where digitization preserved historical documents. Similar to analog photos and films, older documents like newspapers and books will fade away over time. Therefore it is [...]

Analog vs. Digital photography

Introduction For the last decades a question frequently came up which split the photo community in two: Analog or Digital? It is undeniable that, digital photography conquered the market by storm and a lot of [...]

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